Here’s exactly how often you should clean your house

Here’s exactly how often you should clean your house

Here’s exactly how often you should clean your house

While house cleaning seems to be an unattractive chore to most people, how your home looks is a reflection of the type of person you are. Hence, keeping your dwelling tidy should be a priority if you want to maintain not only a beautiful household but also a gleaming image.

A home requires lots and lots of cleaning that might seem overwhelming, but keeping your space clean just got a whole lot simpler especially if you know how often you should clean everything in your house. Although cleaning the house regularly might be the most sensible thing to do, there are areas that don’t have to be cleaned every day.

To help you figure out what to clean and when, here’s a guide on how often you should clean your house according to experts.




If you are someone who preps and cooks food on a regular basis, then keeping your kitchen clean daily is a must. Clean dishes, wash counters, and sweep and mop any spills after all the cooking is done for the day.

Surface areas

Surface areas like dining room tables, breakfast nooks, or coffee tables must be wiped clean to avoid bacteria growth and pests. Sweep any crumbs that have fallen onto the floor below these areas.  Also pick up clutter along the way and tidy up tables, counters, and any surface that tends to collect mail, books, magazines, or personal belongings. Fold blankets and make beds to start anew for the day.


Every few days

Bathroom sink

One of your home’s most active areas where you wash hands, brush teeth, use makeup and other cosmetic products is the bathroom sink. This is why it’s a must if you can clean or wipe it down at least twice a week. Wiping down the sink, faucet and handles will eliminate germs and bacteria while making it sparkle.

General clutter

In as little as 10 minutes, you can tackle clutter anywhere in your home most especially entryways, bureau tops, clothes chairs. You’ll be surprised how quickly these areas can be tidied up just by giving attention to them every few days.



Frequently touched spots

Areas you frequently touch such as light switches, door handles, TV remotes and game console controls can do a quick wipe down once a week to remove germs.


Bathrooms should be cleaned every week as many germs and bacteria enter your bathroom regularly. Since bathrooms tend to be wet all the time, it’s typically exposed to higher moisture where it’s susceptible for mould and mildew to thrive. Wipe down mirrors, toilets, tubs or showers, and wash any used towels and bath mats.


Every few weeks


It’s imperative to turn your attention to your fridge every couple of weeks to remove expired or spoiled food, wipe down shelves and drawers, and do some meal planning on foods nearing their expiry date. When you regularly clean your fridge, you will maintain its fresh smell and eliminate any mould growth on older food items.


Aside from your regular spot cleaning, you should also do a thorough cleaning of the floors every few weeks. It’s a nice way of removing pollen, pet dander and dust accumulating on the floor.


Although you ought to clean your bathroom on a weekly basis, you should also give some extra attention to your shower and or tub by deep cleaning them every few weeks.

Deep cleaning involves thoroughly cleaning your shower/tub area, washing shower lines and focusing on any grout and tile. Aside from avoiding mould and bacteria to thrive in these parts, you also keep minerals in the water from building up on these areas in your bathroom.


Our plants also need some cleaning love, especially those with wide, flat leaves. Removing dust away once a month helps to make your plants stay healthy and this can be done by using a damp rag to wipe down leaves.


A few times a year

Baseboard, ceiling fans, and windows

Treat these areas with a good cleaning twice or three times a year as they collect dust, pet dander, pollen or just dirt on their surfaces. A maintenance cleaning several times a year will keep build-up at bay.

Pantries and closets

Check your pantries a few times a year to throw away expired food items. If you have not worn some clothing items in the past 6 months, it might clear up lots of space in your closet if you donate them.


Another area to clean seasonally is your oven and any hood vents if you have them. It also helps to make things look clean and shiny if you wipe down walls around the stove and oven area that may have accumulated grease.




One great item to include in your spring cleaning list are your curtains. Dust can accumulate on curtain fabric over time, and laundering it during spring cleaning will brighten them up. This is especially true for curtains that are exposed to more than just normal household dust like in the bathroom or next to a cooking area. You can also wash them as needed to remove mildew, food spatter, etc.

Light fixture

One of the most forgotten areas in your home are the light fixtures. Over the course of time, they also collect dust and cobwebs. To bring life back and make them shine even brighter, an annual cleaning is a must. You can use a long-handled duster to wipe down fixtures. You can also take this time to replace any blown bulbs. While you are up there, take this time test and dust smoke detectors and replace batteries.

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